Sports Briefs: 4-10-08


DVYAA is accepting registration for baseball 6:30 to 8 weeknights and 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays at Barry Playground, 18th and Johnston streets. Age groups are: T-ball (5 to 7); peewee (8 to 9); majors (10 to 12); and seniors (13 to 15). Call 215-468-1265.


Carlene Hightower, of 33rd and Reed streets, was named Philadelphia Big 5 Player of the Year April 4, making her just the third La Salle University female to receive the honor. Last week, she was one of 40 players invited to attend the WNBA Pre-Draft Camp in Tampa, Fla. The actual draft took place after press time.


Registration is under way for Sabres baseball and softball. The divisions are 4 to 6 for T-ball; 7 to 8 for pitching machine; 9 to 10 for live pitch; 11 to 12 for Little League; and 13 to 15 for Major League.

Softball divisions are 8 to 10; 11 to 13; and 14 to 16.

Call Coach Blue, 267-456-0278, or Coach Bob, 215-868-0860.


SEYAA is holding registration for T-ball, baseball and softball, which begins April 20. The age divisions are: 4 to 6 for T-ball; 7 to 8 for pitching machine; 8 to 10 and 10 to 12 for live pitch; 13 to 15 and 16 to 19 for Babe Ruth; and 12 to 14 for girls’ softball.

Register 6 to 8 weeknights and noon to 2 p.m. Saturdays at the sports complex, Seventh and Bigler streets. For an information packet or registration form, contact or 215-463-8802.


Scioscia baseball camp for boys and girls ages 9 to 13 is at Sacks Playground, Fourth Street and Washington Avenue, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mondays through Fridays June 23 to Aug. 15. Participants must bring a baseball glove, spikes, bathing suit and sneakers. Cost is $40 per week ($120 for four weeks; $240 for eight weeks) and includes breakfast, lunch, two T-shirts and a baseball hat. Call Craig Scioscia, 215-485-1743.