What stands out as this year’s most compelling news story?



“The Ferguson, Mo. situation dominated the news for weeks. There was mass chaos that shows we haven’t really progressed as a country with regards to race relations.”

Jimmy McCloskey,
2300 block of South 16th Street


“Definitely what happened in Ferguson. It shined a light on issues such as law enforcement and social inequality.”

Joseph Gonzales,
Broad and Jackson streets


“The matter in Ferguson has had so much fallout, including the murder of two innocent Brooklyn police officers. I think we still need to evaluate so many aspects of what happened in Missouri.”

John Seaman,
Broad and Porter streets


“The Eric Garner situation [in New York] because it seemed a tipping point based on the Michael Brown verdict.”

Antoine Hall,
10th and Emily streets

Contact the South Philly Review at editor@southphillyreview.com.