

To the Editor:

As a U.S. army veteran, I am livid! Has our country now turned into frightened little children? The move by Sony to bow down to threats by North Korea not to release the comedy movie “The Interview” is nothing less than cowardly! Sony has grievously disrespected every American soldier who has served, fought and/or died for this country, as well as other countries’ freedom, rights and peaceful lives! I have a solution.

How about our government publicly state that if any American is attacked due to this movie’s release, we will unleash a response that has never been seen in world history? Now I know what some will say: “You will be willing to go to war for a movie.” Damn right! However, it’s more than that. If a person or foreign government wished to attack us, they are going to attack us, movie or no movie.

Ever since 9/11, this country has lost its ideals that the forefathers implemented. The federal government now needs to step up and enforce those ideals that made America the envy of the world. Allowing a foreign government to dictate what movies are made and distributed is an unprecedented slap to the face of every citizen, which should never be tolerated!

No American should submit to any entity when it is in direct conflict with how we have chosen to live our lives. Why? Because the threats will never end and it will show the world that we are afraid to stand up for ourselves, and will ultimately bend to the will of our enemies. Make no mistake, terrorism will always be a concern. But the desire of the American people to live free should supersede anything anyone could throw at us!

Any ideology that deliberately comes in direct conflict with how we live our lives is, to me, an act of war in the abstract. Any ideology that deliberately attacks our nation and its citizens is an act of war and should pay for it tenfold! Perhaps then, we can gain a little bit of respect that the United States once had.

Chris Doyle
South Philadelphia

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