Time to make it right


To the Editor:

Does anyone care to bet that a particular segment of society will yell and scream quite boisterously about the police wearing body cameras? What? How dare you not being able to see the similar unconstitutionality of the obvious plot to stop and frisk deployment deliberately aimed at that segment and only that segment? Can we ever expect to win or even slow down the rampant commission of the horrible crime of our country if these hurdles are constantly and continuously put before us truly hurts them much more than it does us?

The paranoia seems to run rampant and is wildly instilled, and I can understand why. All things considered, there has to come a time to relent and understand that some things are just meant for the good of all and not for the destruction of a particular race or group. We either win all together or fail completely by our separate selves. Instead of disagreeing with just about all that is put forth, how about instead contributing ideas to stump and maybe even eliminate crime?

May I respectfully request you take a long, hard look at how the Republican Party keeps knocking down every good thing meant for the upgrading of all our lives, country and even the world. They have made President Barack Obama’s tenure a living hell, and don’t intend to stop. I voted for Obama, and if he could run again, I would vote for him. Not because he is black, but simply because he is so valued and appreciated. It is most important that these wasteful showings of defiance stop because it does reflect on our president in such disfavor despite it being no fault of his. Can you see this?

We must all show reason right now. When you are right, rejoice, but you can’t always be right!

Frank Cavallaro
South Philadelphia

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