The big hope


To the Editor:

Over the last 10 years, I’ve dedicated my spare time to the fight against cancer. While progress is being made, I’m very concerned that it will be slowed. Over the last 10 days alone I’ve heard from close friends and family about the challenges the disease has dealt them.

We’re very fortunate to live in a country with a health-care system that is regarded as the most innovative and technologically advanced in the world. Many have benefited from it, but many are yet to be reached. That reach, to a great extent, is impacted by cancer research funding, which our local representatives have an opportunity to impact. The success stories need to be replicated, but researchers at the National Cancer Institute and research centers throughout the country need funding to support their work. This funding is at risk. The NCI cannot withstand budget cuts anymore than we can continue to watch our loved ones suffer.

I’m asking Congress to support cancer patients and their families by increasing funding for the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health. Reinvesting in the fight against this devastating disease will save lives and restore hope for millions of cancer patients and their families.

Valerie Pracilio Volunteer,
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network Philadelphia

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