Returning TV shows


Interviews by Amanda L. Snyder; Photos by Greg Bezanis


“‘Sparticus.’ It’s a great show. There’s everything you want in it. There’s history and violence.”

Carlo Rosati,
10th and Shunk streets


“‘Sons of Anarchy.’ It’s the best show. If they get rid of some of those commercials, nothing can beat it.”

Jeff Sposaro,
Carlisle and Shunk streets


“‘Sons of Anarchy.’ It’s just an awesome show. ‘The Sopranos,’ ‘The Wire’ — it’s in that genre.”

Rocco Lamitina,
12th Street and Oregon Avenue


“‘Cake Boss.’ It’s my [8-year-old] daughter’s favorite show. Of course I got into it.”

Dawn Durante,
11th Street and Oregon Avenue

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