No parting for an apartment complex


An open letter to Passyunk Square Neighbors:

I wanted to inform you about a proposed rezoning in my neighborhood. My family and I have owned a house on the 800 block of Wharton Street, and have lived there for 90 years. Our homes will be most affected by this change.

Fifteen years ago, something similar happened when the church was torn down. With the help of Frank DiCicco, who was the head of the civic association, the properties went from commercial to residential, which stopped a White Castle chain from building on the land. The developer now wants a variance for a four-story building with 18 apartments and some stores with no parking (at 825-827 Wharton St.), turning the zone back to commercial. Ninth Street had neighborhood friendly shops, and East Passyunk Avenue was a two-lane street with garages. Pat’s and Geno’s were the only eateries there, and the ballpark (Capitolo Playground) used to be a cemetery (Lafayette Cemetery). All of these additions took away from residential parking. Currently, there are 10 restaurants, three with liquor licenses, between Wharton and Federal streets.

The law states that businesses are required to clean only in front of their stores. We have tried to get help from the City of Philadelphia by adding a bathroom in the ballpark, neighborhood street cleaning and a mini police station nearby to solve this issue. Many are open all night with no bathrooms. They have outdoor seating that causes more congestion, not allowing pedestrians to walk through. None of these solutions have been executed while the tourists, trash, parking, noise and public urination has gotten worse.

All of this means for you and the neighborhood is that parking will only get worse, congestion will increase and all of the other offenses will only become prominent as we progress.

The City will be more likely to side with the developer because of the tax increase generated, and the influx of people to this area more so than before. Our families have worked hard for generations to keep this area clean and friendly. If it were not for our sacrifices to maintain our properties, pay our taxes and be good citizens, the neighborhood would have deteriorated. None of these businesses would be possible, including the new proposal. The City conveniently overlooks these facts, instead choosing to destroy what every homeowner has made possible throughout the years.

The bottom line is I need you to attend the civic meetings (Passyunk Square Civic Association) to have your voice heard if you feel the same way I do. If not, the developer’s offer will win over the neighborhood and impact all of our lives. The next meeting will be held 7 p.m. April 14 at Annunciation BVM Church Hall’s basement 1511 S. 10th St. (Dickinson Street entrance). For an update, visit or The last and more important meeting will be held at the zoning board hearing (15th and Arch streets, 18th floor) at an undecided date and time, which I will notify you of later. The zoning board will be impressed with many people attending, especially you, the homeowner.

Gilbert Lettieri South Philadelphia