Mourning for Officer Walker


To the Editor:

My family and I are returning from the funeral of Officer Moses Walker Jr., who was shot and killed Aug. 18. There were many there to pay respect to Walker and his family. Although my family and I did not know him, we were moved with great compassion over the revelations pertaining to his character as a very caring and unselfish person.

Our attendance also conveyed our belief in the many good police officers who watch over and protect the citizens of Philadelphia. Sometimes it may appear that police officers and Philadelphia’s residents are on opposite sides when it comes to justice. But Officers Walker and Lorenzo (who was killed by an intoxicated driver July 8) cleared up that falsity. My family and I attended Lorenzo’s funeral as well, because we wanted his family and fellow officers to know that we sympathize with their loss.

The service for Walker was very uplifting for all of those who attended. Mayor Michael Nutter gave very moving words of wisdom and comfort. Commissioner Charles Ramsey stated “that the police department will retire Officer Moses Walker Jr’s badge.” My family and I, along with many Philadelphia residents and City administration, mourn deeply for the Walker and Lorenzo families.

Barbara Ann Mary Mack
Southwest Philadelphia

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