Fall TV Shows



ldquo;‘Sons of Anarchy.’ I love the whole storyline, and it keeps my attention. I like Jax’s personality and the struggle he goes through in the show.”

Kathy McCulley
East Moyamensing Avenue and Morris Street


ldquo;‘Boardwalk Empire.’ I like all of the subtle nuances and how it is strung together by a theme.”

Colleen Torres, 
Fourth and Mifflin streets


“‘Sons of Anarchy.’ It is exciting and makes you want to follow the next week.”

Gabriel Buccino, Jr.,
East Moyamensing Avenue and Reed Street


“‘Homeland.’ I like that it mimics current events. It tends to bring events, such as all the hostility in the Middle East, right into your living room.” 

Ron DiDonato,
Second and Mifflin streets

Contact the South Philly Review at editor@southphillyreview.com.