Do you think it’s right that stores have been putting up signs forbidding wearing hoodies inside?



“If you’re going to wear a hoodie, let it be cold out. Don’t wear one at night, or cover your face. If they ask you to remove it, remove it.”

Harry Charles,

Broad Street and Snyder Avenue


“I don’t blame them at all. There’s too many robberies. Not only the stores, you see people walking down the street in hoodies, you get scared.”

Michelle Markley,

Sixth Street and Oregon Avenue


“Why do they have to cover their face when they go in a convenience store? They should not be allowed to wear it in a store.”

Harry Phillips,

Sixth Street and Oregon Avenue


“I’m uncomfortable with people with hoods. If you come in our store with a hood, and you’re a robber, it’s kind of hard for us to identify you.”

Raven Shields,

Broad Street and Snyder Avenue

Interviews by Chris Isaac Photos by Corey Carter

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