Did you vote on Election Day?


""“I always vote because it’s a civic responsibility to do and part of being a citizen. It’s a right that people fought for to gain.”

Frank Natale,
1600 block of South Juniper Street

""“No, because I feel like I don’t want to vote if I don’t know that much about the candidates. I didn’t watch much coverage, so I didn’t have enough information.”

Robert Pizzo,
15th and Wolf streets

""“Yes, because I find it more than a privilege; it’s a duty. I care about what’s going on in my city, so, yes, I voted.”

Pat Tompkins,
Broad and Wolf streets

""“Of course. I vote to get the right people in the right places so they can get things done with as minimal drama as possible.”

John Viggiano,
2200 block of South 16th Street

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