An open dialogue


To the Editor:

Ron Mento’s heartfelt letter (“Motion for respect,” Sept. 13) makes a plea for inserting more religion into politics. I think that such advice comes with a certain caveat.

As a pro-life moderate, I share his concern over abortion, but, having read the Democratic platform, I see nothing in there about "abortion on demand." The party simply wants to continue the guidelines from Roe v. Wade which do somewhat limit abortion. States can still regulate abortion. The Republican platform meanwhile, would criminalize abortion, as well as some forms of contraception.

If Ron truly believes in inserting a Christian God into government, how can he also decry helping “the least of my brethren” with food assistance by calling it “enslavement?” Most of the “entitled” poor are children, the elderly and the disabled.

This country was founded by enlightened leaders who wanted to avoid the exact kind of violent religious fanaticism we see on display in today’s headlines. No one stops Ron or any American from thinking about, talking about, or praying to God.

His letter is proof of that.

Gloria C. Endres
South Philadelphia

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