Afforded the luxury


To the Editor:

[Staff Writer] Bill [Chenevert], nice article on the gentrification of South Philly (“The gentrification of South Philly,” Oct. 30). I recently bought a new home in Point Breeze and see the issues on both sides. I also hear people repeatedly mentioning “affordable housing.”

I think it would be interesting to do a follow-up article on affordable housing and what the city is building/doing and if it is truly affordable housing, allowing residents of Point Breeze to stay in Point Breeze. From what I gather, it is not. New affordable houses were built on the 1600 block of Federal Street, and one if not two were “bought by college students,” one of the parents is a doctor and the house has not been lived in for years. There are paper bags covering the windows. I see many of these homes bought by those looking to beat the system, get a nice new two- or three-story home and reap the rewards 10 years down the road when the house goes up in value to market value, not going to those who truly need it, those who live in Point Breeze.

Do some digging; there are already articles out there about it. Couldn’t the city be doing something different to develop/build affordable housing that is truly affordable housing?

Keep up the great articles!!

Aaron Harrington South Philadelphia