A recent Gallop poll concluded that John F. Kennedy is the best president since 1953. Do you agree/d


""“I disagree. He was only in office for a few short years and therefore did not have enough time to put his policies into effect.”

Bill Towey,
Second and Christian streets

""“I disagree. I think Ronald Reagan was the best president. I like how he brought his cowboy mentality into the White House.”

Karen Winland,
American and South streets

""“History has shown he has done a lot of great things for our country. He was loved by the people and brought about a togetherness, and today we are more divided.”

Rachel Hendrickson,
Fourth and South streets

""“I agree. I think he had a better strategy and game plan for our country. I am not a big fan of Obama. I feel like he let us down as a nation.”

Reginald Jones,
Fourth and South streets

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