A charming season


To the Editor:

I have been noticing lately that good customer service seems to be making a long-awaited comeback! I am aware of this change because I found myself feeling quite irritated whenever I would approach situations where some type of service was required. There were many times I handled this bad behavior in a negative way, most times I would not revisit the establishment.

I have recently noticed some very pleasant changes. It feels almost foreign to walk into a store or supermarket and have people greeting you and showing appreciation. Whatever has caused this enjoyable customer service restoration, I can certainly speak for myself when I say that it is very refreshing. It seemed to be very much on the decline, and, although not perfected, it is definitely better. Whether it is due to smart training strategies and mandatory demands or many coming to the harsh reality that they may be replaced, it seems to be working.

I guess by social media standards, one might say that our improved customer service is trending. I have condemned the city in the past for its ignorance, so must I applaud the current efforts of courtesy being made to better our communication skills, which will continue to be a work in progress. I love our city and am always excited to see it flourish, so eager to see the bad public opinion being washed away, replaced with the character and charm with which we have always been associated.

By the way, I hope everyone has a great day!

Debbie Russino
South Philadelphia

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