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Columbus Unbound (Or Unboxed)

The gray sky looks down upon the statue of Christopher Columbus. A light misty rain has turned to sleet. Marconi Plaza is deserted like a town left high and dry after the gold rush....

The Streets of Philadelphia

City Council passed its mid-year budget last week. It’s different this fiscal year. Philadelphia found itself sitting on an unprecedented surplus. The mayor reportedly struggled figuring out how to spend it. Let those two...

The Krasner Travesty

This is not a defense of Larry Krasner. The embattled Philadelphia district attorney has been impeached by the Republican-dominated Pennsylvania House of Representatives. Every Republican but one voted to impeach and not a single...

November Celebrations

The month of November is best known for Thanksgiving, but here are some other November celebrations you should know about. You likely missed National Cook for Your Pets Day on Nov. 1. Fran and I...

Chicooch and the Iron Man

I have a friend who has told me that if I didn’t have medical problems, I wouldn’t have a column. He has a point. Have you noticed that, lately, my columns are a little more...

What Fetterman Should’ve Said

Let’s stipulate right from the beginning. John Fetterman’s campaign screwed up big time. After Fetterman suffered a stroke, he had only one choice. His campaign had to be totally transparent. That means releasing his...

House GOP inaction on guns costing lives

By State Rep. Regina Young As a mother of children who attend public schools and travel by three modes of transportation, as a wife of a black man who also travels throughout the city for...

Negative Ads Discourage Voting

I don’t hate many things that aren’t spelled P-U-T-I-N. But sometime this spring it all changed. After a mind-numbing barrage of political ads, I have come to hate Susan Wild because “she’s wildly out...

Going Through the Motions

Quietly Quitting is suggested for folks who are employed in a toxic workplace environment. Disengage. Work the necessary hours to keep the job. But no more. The idea is presented as something new. The antidote...

Cardella: Let There Be Light

I’m not going to kid you. It was a rough week for me. There are times the column writes itself. This week was not one of them. It’s strange that there can be a...
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