What is your stance on the latest SEPTA contract controversy?

“I think SEPTA does an amazing job. I don’t believe you can really blame people for protecting their rights and thinking of their future.”

Vincent Garofalo

“It amazes me that we ever have to hear about talks of strikes. I think the employees are very well taken care of. It’s just frustrating that these squabbles happen every few years.”

Willis Daniels,

2700 block of Dickinson Street

“SEPTA needs competition to reduce the threat of strikes. I think SEPTA has held us hostage for a number of years, and many people are tired of that.”

Barbara Johnson,

2200 block of South Hemberger Street

“I think SEPTA does an amazing job. I don’t believe you can really blame people for protecting their rights and thinking of their future.”

Vincent Garofalo,

1700 block of Bigler Street

Interviews by Joseph Myers Photos by Tina Garceau

“SEPTA needs competition to reduce the threat of strikes. I think SEPTA has held us hostage for a number of years, and many people are tired of that.”

Barbara Johnson

“It amazes me that we ever have to hear about talks of strikes. I think the employees are very well taken care of. It’s just frustrating that these squabbles happen every few years.”

Willis Daniels