Water damage


An impostor scammed a pair of older adults out of cash and jewelry in Lower Moyamensing.

At approximately 2 p.m. Oct. 25, the complainant and his wife observed an unknown male knocking on the door of their 2500-block-of-South-Iseminger-Street home, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. The figure identified himself as an employee of J&G Construction, a subcontractor for the Philadelphia Water Department.

The homeowner let the man in after hearing the stranger needed to check the residence’s water supply for contamination and led him to the basement, where the phony worker ran water for approximately 20 minutes. The fake hire told the husband to remain in the space and ventured upstairs to instruct the wife to run water in the kitchen, Tolliver said.

The man left the basement after 10 minutes and after speaking with his partner, he realized the offender was no longer in the house. Heading to the second floor, he observed water running in their bathtub and realized a scam had occurred. He checked his abode and noticed $900 missing from a dresser and $5,000 in jewelry gone from a box.

The unfortunate older adult, who noted the offender made and received several cell phone calls while in the residence, dressed like a construction worker yet failed to produce a credential, described the intruder as white, in his mid 20s and thin; having facial scruff and an olive complexion; and wearing a red T-shirt and tan baseball cap.

To report information, call South Detectives at 215-685-1635, text PPDTIP (773847) or visit phillypolice.com/forms.