Vicar accused of abuse


The announcement was made at mass this past weekend. Monsignor George J. Mazzotta, parochial vicar at Stella Maris Parish, 2901 S. 10th St., has been accused of sexual abuse.

The molestation allegedly occurred with a minor 40 years ago and is the first against him, according to a statement released by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Monday.

“Cardinal Rigali has relieved him of his assignment pending completion of a formal investigation,” the statement read. “… he has agreed to refrain from the public exercise of his priestly ministry during the investigation.”

Mazzotta, 72, is no longer residing at Stella Maris, but instead at Villa St. Joseph, a home for retired priests in Darby.

He has served in his most recent role since 2008. Ordained in 1966, he served in a variety of parishes and schools including Epiphany of Our Lord, 1121 Jackson St., and St. Maria Goretti High School, 1736 S 10th St., from ’71 to ’76 and at St. Gabriel, 2917 Dickinson St., from ’76 to ’78.

To contact the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Victim Assistance Office, call 1-888-800-8780 or e-mail

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