Upholding the law


Bicylists will be issued citations after Labor Day if violating city and state laws when commuting in certain South Philly neighborhoods.

While warnings will be issued for infractions prior to the holiday, the 3rd Police District, 1300 S. 11th St. — spanning Broad Street to the Delaware River from Lombard Street to The Navy Yard — plans to begin strictly enforcing the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle and Philadelphia codes as they apply to bicycles.

Those riding bicycles are subject to the same rules and fines as automobiles since bicycles are considered vehicles when ridden on the street, according to the motor vehicle code. These similarities not only include typical traffic violations, such as running a stop sign or speeding, but also civil penalties, resulting from an accident, and criminal penalties, such as injuring others and driving while under the influence.

And riding on the sidewalk — unless the rider is younger than age 12 — is illegal, according to the City Code. Fines for that infringement are $55.50.

Contact Managing Editor Amanda L. Snyder at asnyder@southphillyreview.com or ext. 117.

Also in this week’s Police Report:
Mourning in the morning
Midnight madness
Surrendered to the county
Stealing from the state
Forging distress
High maintenance

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Left speechless
Water fight