Tony the Terrific


""While he may be remembered for his time as a welterweight boxer in the 1950s, today Tony Budwin is known by members of the Passyunk Square community as the person they can rely on in any situation. The retired naval base worker and Korean War veteran spends his free time travelling around the St. Nicholas of Tolentine Parish, 1718 S. Ninth St., and acting as an intermediary for neighbors undergoing difficult times.

“[He is] a man for the helpless, the young, the old, the lonely, the sad, the homebound, the church, the father, the grandfather and the friend of all who meet him,” Marie R. Alfonsi, of the 1900 block of Alder Street, said in her nomination letter.

And the 77-year-old widower is still going strong. He has used a personal setback as motivation for helping others.

“I’ve been doing it for years,” the resident of the 800 block of Tasker Street said of his involvement in the community.

“Ten years ago, I had a kidney out for cancer and I wanted to give back. It makes me feel good,” Budwin said.

As part of his duties as Eucharistic minister, he brings Communion to the sick and shut-ins. Whenever food is donated to his local church, Budwin gathers it together and prepares it for food baskets to be distributed during the Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter holidays.

And his impact is immeasurable. From driving neighbors to doctor’s appointments, to picking up a friend stranded by the caprices of the family car, he has become a symbol of helpfulness and compassion in his parish. When Budwin is not busy visiting those in need, he prepares cards to send to nursing homes in commemoration of important occasions, like birthdays.