This is your movie on drugs


If your idea of a good time at the movies is an adaptation of a classic 19th-century English novel, "Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay" is probably not for you. But if you like raunchy, hilarious, deceptively smart comedies that not only push the envelope, but tear it into itsy-bitsy pieces, you’ve already bought your tickets in advance anyway.

The dope-smoking duo of Harold (John Cho) and Kumar (Kal Penn) head to Amsterdam so Harold can surprise his crush Maria (Paula Garces). On the flight, they are mistaken for terrorists and end up in Guantanamo Bay. Hilarity ensues.

The evil geniuses behind this are Jon Hurwitz and Hayden Schossberg. They wrote both "Harold and Kumar" movies, but are making their directing debut with the second. Make no mistake, this is a very tasteless flick that will probably offend a great many people. It pokes fun at a long list of subjects, often with a brashness that would make Lenny Bruce blush. But they pull it off for one reason: It’s hilarious. If the movie solely relied on toilet and drug humor (both present in generous supply), it quickly would wear out its welcome.

Credit also must be given to the effortless comedic acting of the leads. Despite the movie’s over-the-top style, Cho and Penn keep it grounded with straight performances and techniques that far surpasses the usual mugging one gets in raunchy comedies.

But the thing I like most is the film’s utter fearlessness. No subject is taboo. Even post-9/11 hysteria is given a good once over.

For comedy fans who like their movies unapologetically gutsy and clever, "Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay" is a must-see. For Jane Austen fans, well, hold on to your corsets.

Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay

Three reels out of four
In area theaters now

Directors/Writers: Jon Hurwitz, Hayden Schossberg

John Cho … Harold Lee
Kal Penn … Kumar Patel
Neil Patrick Harris … Neil Patrick Harris

Watch the trailer: