They do the hop


As the owners of Alphabet Academy, Jim and Roe Gallo get the pure enjoyment of interacting with countless children on a daily basis.

But besides providing a learning environment centered around creativity and imagination, the couple also have found unique ways of spreading important messages to kids ages 5 and younger.

One of the more popular and most successful concepts comes about every spring, right around Easter time, in which the four East Passyunk Avenue-based early learning centers sponsor a “Bunny Hop” at the Singing Fountain, East Passyunk Avenue and Tasker Street, to support the Philadelphia and Susquehanna Valley Make-A-Wish Foundation.

The idea came about through one of the parents who was involved with the organization, and the couple, who also call East Passyunk Avenue home, immediately jumped on board. The kids, parents, faculty and neighbors all play an active role in the fundraising.

“I thought it was a great way for the kids to understand about helping others,” Roe said. “They can make a connection with another kid who is sick.”

In the two years of doing the 20-minute dance routine in which the children, teachers, parents and neighbors come together to try to make a difference, the group has raised about $20,000. In the process, the group helped grant Walt-Disney-World wishes to two young friends, who they’ve gotten acquainted with via pictures.

“The Bunny Hop has exceeded anything we ever expected,” Jim, 53, said.

Roe, 50, noted that parents have already starting asking about next year’s event.

The parents to daughters Amanda, 28, and Jamie, 24, have mastered the art of teamwork through their respective roles at Alphabet Academy, which has been providing child care for 25 years. Jim oversees the management of the buildings, including maintenance and construction, while Roe runs the day care aspect.

“I tell people my husband is responsible for the beautiful buildings, and I am responsible for the happy kids,” Roe said.

The four spaces each have a distinct theme with Alphabet Station, The Treehouse, Alphabet Garden and Alphabet Aquarium.

Running the operations may seem like an around-the-clock responsibility, but the hard-working duo also takes great pride in its East Passyunk Crossing community, as Jim serves on the board of both the East Passyunk Avenue Business Improvement District, 1904 E. Passyunk Ave., and the Passyunk Avenue Revitalization Corp., 1134 Titan St. He has been involved with the former for nine years.

“The avenue was in desperate need of attention and revitalization,” he said. “I believe in the avenue. It’s a great place to raise kids and have a business.”

Contact Editor Bill Gelman at or ext. 121.

2013 Difference Makers

/ Bruce Baldwin / Anthony Benedetto Sr. / Lou Berman / Beth Coleman /

/ Diane DellaVella / Phyllis DiLemmo /

/ Roe and Jim Gallo / Tyrique Glasgow / Ali Hackett / Deborah Holmes /

/ Kat Kendon / Harry McKay / Jaime Pannone / Juanita Perkins-Qui /

/ Gaetano Piccirilli / Megan Rosenbach / Ted Scairato Sr /

/ Rich Sisman / Dan Stevenson / Paula Terreri / Lynn Oakes West / Lawrence Whitaker / Robert Wilbowe / Ilene Wilder /