Teen enters guilty plea


The teen accused of running down two St. Louis Cardinals fans, killing one and severely injuring the other, in summer 2008 entered a guilty plea in court Tuesday.

Joseph Genovese Jr., 19, from the 3100 block of South Juniper Street, pled to aggravated assault by vehicle while driving under the influence, homicide by vehicle and homicide by vehicle while driving under the influence. Sentencing is scheduled for April 13 with the defendant facing a maximum of 13-and-a-half to 27 years in prison, District Attorney spokeswoman Tasha Jamerson said.

""Police say Genovese ran a red light and was driving while intoxicated when his car struck 36-year-old Sandra Wacker and her friend, 43-year-old Cindy Grassi, both of St. Louis and in town to watch the Cardinals play the Phillies at Citizens Bank Park.

The women were crossing Broad at Curtin streets at about 6:30 p.m. July 10 when the incident occurred, police said at the time. Genovese was arrested at the scene.

Grassi died of head and bodily injuries at about 10:40 p.m. July 12 at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.

Wacker was in critical condition and in the intensive care unit at HUP. A police spokeswoman did not have an update on her condition. Wacker suffered brain trauma, broken ribs and dislocated shoulders as a result of the accident, police said.

Husband and wife shot

A 30-year-old woman and her 39-year-old husband were gunned down moments after entering their parked car. Both went to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in stable condition, the man with two wounds to his right thumb and left ear lobe, and the woman with a graze wound to her chest, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said.

Shortly after midnight Saturday, the pair left a tavern at Sixth and Moore streets and had just entered their silver Honda a short distance away when a man approached and fired two shots into the driver’s-side window, shattering it and striking the couple. The shooter fled the scene, going west on Moore and south on Seventh Street.

Police took the wounded parties to Jefferson and are searching for a motive and suspect in the bizarre incident that they said was not a robbery attempt.

To report information, call South Detectives at 215-686-3013.



Senior charged with drug dealing ""

A 70-year-old man was charged with possession and related offenses after narcotics officers conducted surveillance of his home and determined he was selling weed out of the dwelling on the 2600 block of Oakford Street in Point Breeze.

Police identified the alleged dealer as Joe Elliot, Officer Tanya Little of the Police Public Affairs Unit said. At the time of Elliot’s arrest at about 7 p.m. Feb. 8, police nabbed two alleged buyers: Keith Jenkins, 41, from the 1800 block of Christian Street in Hawthorne, and Adrian Harden, 35, from the unit block of Springfield Avenue.

Harden and Jenkins were charged with possession.

Weather-related death

An 84-year-old who did not have working utilities and refused to stay with family in New Jersey during the recent extreme weather was found dead Sunday afternoon, police said.

The medical examiner said the woman died from heart disease and cold exposure. Several dead cats also were found in the dwelling on the 2800 block of South Alder Street in Point Breeze, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detectives said. Philadelphia Animal Care and Control was called in to collect the felines.

The victim’s 64-year-old sister called police to check on the woman and, when they entered the home with the sibling, they made the horrible discovery.

The sister grew concerned after not hearing from her sister for about a week.

Time to get robbed

After asking a man for the time, two others mugged the 26-year-old early Friday as he walked on the 2300 block of Snyder Avenue.

One offender stuck an unknown object in the victim’s back and wanted to know what time it was, while his accomplice ordered him to empty his pockets, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detectives said. Taken from the victim was about $60 and keys to a pearl Acura RSX-S with New Jersey plates, which the pair rode off in an unknown direction.

The victim told police the auto belonged to his friend. He was unable to provide police with a description of his attackers.

To report information, call South Detectives at 215-686-3013.

A question of life or death

Two men ambushed another as he was entering a dwelling on the 2500 block of South Seventh Street and one stuck a gun to the victim’s head, asking if he wanted to die. The thugs then proceeded to shove the man inside the home and take $240 and a Sony laptop before fleeing on foot in an unknown direction, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detectives said. Police did not place a value on the electronic.

The victim was unharmed in the 1:45 a.m. Saturday incident and described the offenders as about ages 20 to 25; one had on a green parka and the other was wearing a white-and-black jacket.

To report information, call South Detectives at 215-686-3013.

Cops get donation

The Philadelphia Police Foundation received a $15,000 check from Anchor Bay Entertainment, the home entertainment division of Starz Media LLC, on behalf of the Feb. 16 DVD release of “Law Abiding Citizen.” The Jamie Foxx and Gerard Butler film was shot in Philadelphia last year.

Anchor Bay Director of Sales Bill Marono presented the check to Police Foundation President Bob Ciaruffoli, Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey, Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Everett Gillison, and others Tuesday at Police headquarters, 750 Race St. The money will purchase LCD panels for all of the districts.

The foundation is a nonprofit that funds projects beyond the scope of the City’s budget. It relies solely on donations from individuals, businesses and other nonprofits to fund its mission.

For more information, contact www.PhillyPoliceFoundation.org or 215-972-2544.

District merge official

As reported in the Jan. 28 Review article “Coming together,” the 3rd and 4th police districts are merging and it will take effect March 1. Police officials are expecting a seamless transition, 3rd District Community Relations Officer Juan “Ace” Delgado said in a press statement issued last week.

Later this month, a series of Police Service Area meetings are taking place: Area 1 is 1 p.m. Feb. 26 at 1300 S. 11th St.; Area 2 is 12:30 p.m. Feb. 28 at 1511 S. 10th St.; and Area 3 is 6:30 p.m. Feb. 23 at 1314 South St.

In the 3rd District, Area 1 is Lombard Street to Washington Avenue and 10th to the Delaware River; Area 2 is Washington to Tasker Street and 10th to the river; and Area 3 is 10th to Broad Street and Lombard to Tasker.

Launched last year and now in all 23 districts, the areas are smaller geographical subdivisions within a district. Each is led by a lieutenant, who, along with sergeants and officers, polices within the smaller defined area of their district.