Teacher technique


This fourth-grade teacher’s got spunk.

Beth Coleman’s not only a dedicated educator at St. Monica School, 16th and Porter streets, but also a dynamic mother of three and stepmother of two.

Coleman, from 17th and Wolf streets, likes to keep her schedule jam-packed by organizing different programs for the community. For instance, she’s the heart of Biddy Basketball, a recreational program for kids, she’s been active in the Home and School Association throughout the years, she’s started a bowling club for students, and, most recently, she was instrumental in bringing Zumba, a popular dance class, to the neighborhood.

“I don’t teach the classes,” she said with a laugh. “But I go to all of them.”

For 15 years, she’s organized the school’s talent show, too, which has since evolved into a very anticipated two-night event .

“It’s something everyone looks forward to,” Coleman, a St. Monica alumna herself, said.

But the Newbold dweller’s passion for teaching, and teaching well, is most inspiring.

Brunella Benales, a parent of a past Coleman student, noticed how often she encouraged her students to give back to the community.

“She wants students to learn and be able to apply what they learned in the classroom to the outside world,” Benales, who’s known Coleman for eight years, said.

Coleman said she always tells her students they are “learning not just for the test; you’re learning to live.”

The lifelong South Philly resident didn’t stray far from home for college. She attended Temple University for her bachelor’s in education, and later, while raising a family and working full time, got her master’s in instructional leadership from Neumann University.

“A running joke in my family is that I have the highest degree, but make the least amount of money,” she said. “But getting a phone call that says I’ve been nominated as a difference maker makes it all worth it. I’m glad I made a lasting impression.”

Contact the South Philly Review at editor@southphillyreview.com.

2013 Difference Makers

/ Bruce Baldwin / Anthony Benedetto Sr. / Lou Berman / Beth Coleman /

/ Diane DellaVella / Phyllis DiLemmo /

/ Roe and Jim Gallo / Tyrique Glasgow / Ali Hackett / Deborah Holmes /

/ Kat Kendon / Harry McKay / Jaime Pannone / Juanita Perkins-Qui /

/ Gaetano Piccirilli / Megan Rosenbach / Ted Scairato Sr /

/ Rich Sisman / Dan Stevenson / Paula Terreri / Lynn Oakes West / Lawrence Whitaker / Robert Wilbowe / Ilene Wilder /