Stinging reply


Police arrested a Newbold woman after she confessed to spraying her Newbold neighbor with Mace.

Meeting the complainant on the 1800 block of Tasker Street at 11:11 p.m. Sunday, they learned she was feeling burning sensations in her face and eyes, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. She stated her neighbor had sprayed her face, eyes and hair with a mystery liquid while she was on the intersection of Tasker and South Cleveland streets.

Officers went to the supposed attacker’s home and learned from Casey Munoz that she sprayed the defendant because of her making excessive noise and playing loud music. They arrested the 58-year-old and charged her with possession of an instrument of crime, aggravated and simple assault and recklessly endangering another person. The victim received transport to Methodist Hospital, where she had her eyes and face flushed.

Contact Managing Editor Joseph Myers at or ext. 124.