Sterling Frank


Because he has lived all but two of his 57 years within Annunciation B.V.M. parish, someone could court Frank Franzini to pen a book on loyalty. As doing so could bring him renown, the resident of the 1500 block of South Ninth Street would certainly decline and maintain his solemn approach to existing as a factotum for his beloved Passyunk Square congregation.

“I’ve just tended to things as they’ve come along,” Franzini said of his service to the church based at 1511 S. 10th St. “This is my spiritual home and has meant so much to me, so I do what I can.”

Though his primary role calls for him to serve as the sexton for the 151-year-old site, the devotee also has assisted as a Eucharistic minister, an event coordinator, a lector, a lottery facilitator, an overseer of September’s St. Pio Festival and a parish council member. A graduate of the parish’s former school, 1148 Wharton St., which last month merged with St. Nicholas of Tolentine School, 913 Pierce St., to form St. Anthony of Padua School at the latter location, Franzini credits his education for inspiring his willingness to administer to his fellow believers, including the 20 ill companions to whom he distributes Holy Communion.

“I find myself among great people,” he said of his duties, which have strengthened his feelings on fellowship and fortitude.

The St. Joseph’s Preparatory School graduate has required extra resolve recently, as caring for his infirm father has upped his appreciation for the gift of life and for those who help to lead souls through all occasions, especially troubling ones.

“I’ve always been able to call on my faith, which this parish has intensified, for support, and I like to think whatever I do reveals my gratitude for my many mentors,” he said.

Though he would not lift a quill to document how to master allegiance, he felt compelled last year to write a poem for the parish’s sesquicentennial. The piece detailed the joy that thousands have been able to experience as parishioners, and he hopes to meet more fervent followers soon.

“This distinction as a Difference Maker catches me off guard,” he said, “but I feel blessed.”

Contact Staff Writer Joseph Myers at or ext. 124.

Other 2012 Difference Makers

/ Joe Barbuto / Ella Best / Paul Bryson / Nicole Canale /

/ Jasmaine, Jeannine & Jenielle Cook / Erin Dougherty /

/ Duane Davis / Frank Franzini / Adé Fuqua / Bennie & Hilda Hudson /

/ Ray Innaurato / Ed McBride / Jeannine McGuire / Carrolyn Minggia /

/ Teri Ruiz & Leah Vodila / Jeffrey Rush / Rev. John Stabeno /

/ Marina Stamos / Anne Stanfield-Hagert / Charles Stecker / Megan West /