Spring movie preview


These days, the spring movie slate is nearly as packed as summer. Here’s a look at five worthy of consideration.

The Riot Club (R)

A throng of Britain’s young acting elite fittingly play the elite members of this film’s titular organization — a riff on Oxford University’s infamous Bullingdon Clubs, whose members have included the current prime minister and mayor of London. Max Irons shines as the reluctant voice of reason, while Douglas Booth and Sam Claflin spice things up as rowdier bros devoid of inhibitions. Opens March 27.

Ex Machina (R)

Booming starlet Alicia Vikander plays a mysterious android in this sci-fi suspense thriller, which also stars Domhnall Gleeson as an up-and-coming programmer, and Oscar Isaac as the storied CEO of his company. When these three characters get together in a remote, state-of-the-art estate, the romantic, the unexpected and even the violent ensues, with either human or A.I. coming out on top. Opens April 10.

Child 44 (R)

Adapted from author Tom Rob Smith’s 2008 best-seller, “Child 44,” directed by Daniel Espinosa, digs into the investigation of a series of child murders in Stalin-era Soviet Union. Starring the great Tom Hardy, Noomi Rapace and Joel Kinnaman, it focuses on an agent whose case begins linking events to high-level political ranks. Opens April 17.

Avengers: Age of Ultron (PG-13)

The most successful superhero film of all time hopes to outdo itself with the inevitable sequel, which reunites Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) and others as they take on a new, emerging baddie named Ultron. Sure, it’ll probably all add up to another showdown amid a blown-to-smithereens city, but at least the full cast — Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson, etc. — is back, along with new blood James Spader. Opens May 1.

Pitch Perfect 2 (PG-13)

The surprise, acapella gem that had hordes of teens finding new uses for their cups, “Pitch Perfect” has also spawned a sequel, this time with co-star and funnygal Elizabeth Banks in the director’s chair. Anna Kendrick and Rebel Wilson return to show off their pipes, and bring newcomer Hailee Steinfeld along for an international competition, the likes of which has never been won by a group of American crooners. Open May 15. 

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