Sir-real art


The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation has announced 55 finalists — 10 of which have South Philly ties — for the second year of the Knight Arts Challenge Philadelphia.

The three-year, $9 million initiative is seeking the best ideas in the arts, while providing an outlet for inspiration and enrichment for the Philadelphia local arts culture.

Finalists, including individual artists, artist collectives, community groups, music organizations and theater companies, have been chosen out of a group of 1,267 applicants.

Last year, Knight Foundation awarded $2.7 million to 36 winners, helping to assist in the creation of many new art proposals in the city.

There is no pre-set maximum contribution from the foundation for winners, but to have an effective impact on the community, the required challenge is to find matching funds from other sources to support the new idea.

Winners will be announced in April and applications for the third year of the challenge will be accepted in the fall.

Local Knight Arts Challenge Philadelphia finalists:

Art Sanctuary

Asian Arts Initiative

Brandywine Workshop

Catzie Vilayphonh

Center City Opera Theater

Community Cultural Exchange plans to bring the South Street business district together with family-friendly musical and cultural street performances. The organization did not respond to requests for an interview.

David Clayton

Fleisher Art Memorial

Sean Stoops

Swim Pony Performing Arts

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