Shot in the chest


A man who allegedly brandished a pellet gun at a 17th District officer and is believed to have threatened to use it was shot after he ignored the order to disarm, Lt. Frank Vanore of the Police Public Affairs Unit said. When the officer recovered the weapon, he learned it was a pellet gun, Vanore added.

A single bullet to the chest felled 19-year-old Justin Kennedy from the 1400 block of South 20th Street, who was pronounced dead at Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania at 11:43 p.m. Dec. 17.

At about 11:30 p.m., Kennedy and a male friend left Lid’s Cafe Society Bar, 23rd and Tasker streets, and allegedly began arguing outside. The officer in a nearby cruiser intervened and that’s when Kennedy allegedly pulled the weapon and lobbed the threat, the lieutenant said. Witnesses at the scene told investigators they heard the cop identify himself as such and instruct the man to disarm, Vanore said.

As with all police shootings, Internal Affairs is investigating and the officer has been taken off street duty pending the outcome.


A man gunned down three times since summer 2006 is lucky to have a pulse, yet he is not cooperating with police, investigators said.

In the latest incident Dec. 17, the 19-year-old was walking on the 1800 block of Dudley Street shortly after 7:30 p.m. when he told police an unknown male in a black ski mask and black clothing opened fire on him, Detective Nancy Morley of South Detective Division said.

One bullet struck the victim in the lower back, lacerating his liver, with another to his left leg, breaking his femur, and a third hitting his pelvis. Medic 14 transported the teen to HUP in stable condition, where he was admitted into surgery. Three .45-caliber slugs were found at the scene.

In the two prior shootings, the victim, who has an extensive police record, was ambushed at Bouvier and McKean streets in July 2006 and on the 2100 block of Lambert Street in October of this year, police said.

To report information, call South Detectives at 215-686-3013.


Two males cut off a New Jersey man and carjacked him Saturday night.

The victim was driving his Chevy Silverado south on Front Street near the intersection of Front and McClellan streets when the duo in a white Honda or Toyota sedan pulled in front of him, Detective Nancy Morley of South Detectives said.

With a large-caliber, silver, semiautomatic gun removed from his waistband, a man exited the passenger seat and walked over to the 41-year-old, telling him to get out of his truck. The driver obeyed and the offender got in and he and his accomplice in the white car peeled off, going south on Front, leaving the victim stranded at about 8:15 p.m.

The carjacker was described as black, about 6 foot, about age 30 with a scruffy beard and in a baggy, black-hooded sweatshirt and dark-colored jeans.

To report information, call South Detectives at 215-686-3013.

Bad news

It’s been said lightening doesn’t struck the same place twice, but a retired cop-turned-newsstand operator can say robbers sometimes do.

Dec. 13, the owner of A&C Johnson’s News at 2340 Passyunk Ave. and his 27-year-old daughter were robbed in Southwest Philly by the same man who targeted the 58-year-old four nights later, police said. According to a news report police could not confirm, the victim has since put his business up for sale.

In the first incident, the victims were exiting a car shortly after 7 p.m. on the 7300 block of Merganser Place when the offender approached the woman as she got out of the driver’s side. The man told her to give up her bag, to which she replied she had none. The gunman then swiped a white Dunkin’ Donuts bag containing $15,000 from a rear passenger seat, police said. Also stolen was the woman’s silver BlackBerry for which police did not have a value.

After the heist, the bandit took off on foot, going south on 73rd Street towards Lindbergh Boulevard. Investigators have not ruled out the possibility the pair were followed to the robbery site. The dad and daughter were unharmed in the attack.

In last Thursday’s incident, the same perpetrator accosted the victim and his wife, Lt. Frank Vanore of the Police Public Affairs Unit said. The offender knocked the owner/retired cop to the ground, but he was able to get up and retrieve the thug’s weapon, firing one round at him, police said. Unharmed, the troublemaker took off on foot in an unknown direction. Nothing was taken from the couple, who also escaped harm.

The offender was described as black with a light complexion, cleanshaven, with close-cropped hair, about 160 pounds and 5-foot-7. In the first incident, he was wearing a brown leather jacket and black pants.

To report information, call Southwest Detective Division at 215-686-3183.

That’s the spirit

After taking the time to break in, the only thing a man took from a beer distributor was two cases of brew.

A witness told investigators a white van pulled up to the front of Lucky Beer Distributors, 39 Snyder Ave., at about 4:20 a.m. Friday, Detective Nancy Morley of South Detectives said. A man exited the passenger seat and broke the glass front door to gain entry.

Investigators did not know the brand of libations or the value of the stolen items that were loaded into the vehicle that took off going west on McKean Street.

The vehicle was described as an older-model GMC, Chevy passenger van with tinted windows and a dent in the passenger taillight.

To report information, call South Detectives at 215-686-3013.


Spreading holiday cheer

Michelle Sumner’s kindergarten class at St. Gabriel School, 2917 Dickinson St., spent Monday morning preparing care packages consisting of South Philly goodies and a banner with students’ handprints for troops in Iraq.