Service calling


“If you want to meet a person who puts her community’s needs before her own, you need to meet Barbara. There isn’t a day that goes by that Barbara doesn’t spend doing her civic duties, including weekends and while she runs her real estate business,” is just a small sampling of how the nominator described Packer Park resident Barbara Capozzi.

Sure, many residents will see the Capozzi Real Estate, 3320 S. 20th St., name plastered on For Sale signs around the community, but it’s her civic duties that often take top priority.

Besides being an active member of the Packer Park Civic Association for the past two decades, she is also actively involved with the Sports Complex Special Services District, Philadelphia Parks Alliance and Friends of FDR Park. Forming a friends group to care for the “lovely” Stephen Girard Park is also on the to-do list.

“I love the Parks / Rec system, and I am passionately devoted to helping the local parks achieve greatness,” she said. “FDR Park, Girard Park and Marconi Plaza are three gems, which I wish all of our neighbors would use and appreciate more. The Parks system is one of the few free benefits we all get as residents, and the more usage the parks receive, the more we can justify lobbying for park / rec dollars to improve the facilities. I can guarantee that being in a park will definitely uplift your spirits with the cool breezes, birds chirping and the most peace and quiet that you can find in a city setting.”

The Packer Park neighborhood holds a special place in her heart, as her father built the original community in the 1950s. She has followed in his footsteps by finishing off the west side of 20th Street with the Reserves, Villas and Regency. But it was just one task on her never-ending Improving South Philly list.

“​I prioritize my goals and I always put myself and my wonderful husband last on the list for nurturing,” the 1900 block of Hartranft Street resident said. “I’m fortunate to have the ability to work on many things at once, especially when all issues have the common theme of making the city a better, cleaner, safer, smarter place to live and work.”

The Packer Park resident is hoping that her magical touch is cast on her fellow South Philadelphians.

“​I wish I could wave a magic wand and have the residents of South Philadelphia be more kind, caring and respectful to each other,” Capozzi, 61, said. “I strongly believe in ‘personal responsibility’ in all things, and if more people felt that way, and not just sat back and complained, the entire South Philly community would be improved instantly. “

2014 Difference Makers

/ L. Jay Agnes / Christine M. Beady / Jessica Calter / Mikki Capo /

/ Barbara Capozzi / Giovanna Cavaliere /

/ Christopher DiCapua / Marlo and Jason Dilks / Marie DiStefano / Beth Dougherty /

/ Cornell Drummond / Maureen Fratantoni / Etrulia (Trudy) Gay / Jess Gould /

/ David and Lisa Grainge / Richie Lazer / Tim Lidiak /

/ Shane Martin / Laura McColgan / Akhenaton Mikell / Russell Shoemaker / Lionel Simmons / Tom Wyatt/