Seeking standout student nominations


Students have been hard at work all year, and it’s time for some well-deserved recognition.

Before the words summer vacation start echoing through the hallways, the South Philly Review and the Young Chances Foundation are looking to recognize the Rising Stars — ome of the top performers in grades K through 12. Principals, guidance counselors and teachers – it’s your job to make sure your worthy candidates make the nomination list.

Nominees must be from South Philadelphia or attend a school in the 19145, 19146, 19147 or 19148 zip codes. Being a straight-A student or valedictorian are both strong points, but not the only criteria being taken into consideration.

Maybe your student has made a dramatic academic turnaround since the first semester or overcome a personal hardship.

We also want to hear about the talented individuals who excel in the classroom as well as numerous extracurricular activities. It can be anything from athletics to school clubs to volunteer work.

The submission deadline is noon May 29. The selection committee will review all of the entries with the winners appearing in the special June 26 edition of the South Philly Review. 

Contact the South Philly Review at or call 215-336-2500, ext. 121.