Pre-sunrise setback


Two men robbed a male in Marconi Plaza.

The complainant was on his way to work at approximately 5:30 a.m. Oct. 27 when the offenders approached him at the green space, 2700 S. Broad St. The lead aggressor asked if he had a light and pulled a knife on him, barking “Give me your phone,” Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. The attacker snatched his iPhone 6, yanked his job badge from his neck, took his wallet, which contained ID, a debit card, and $50, and asked “What else you got?” before he and his accomplice ran westbound on Oregon Avenue toward 15th Street.

The victim described the first as Hispanic, in his early 30s, 6-foot-1, 190 pounds, and clean-shaven; and wearing a beanie hat, a gray hoodie, blue jeans, and white Jordan sneakers; and the second as black, in his early 20s, 5-foot-3, and 130 pounds; having braids and a beard; and wearing a long john shirt and dark jeans.

Contact South Detective Division at 215–686–3013, text PPDTIP (773847), or visit