Officer arrested


The Philadelphia Police Department arrested a 17th District officer for his alleged involvement in a year-old incident.

On March 12, 33-year-old Kevin Corcoran turned himself in to Internal Affairs following a special investigation by the department and the District Attorney’s Special Investigations Unit. They contend the nine-and-a-half-year veteran, on duty near 13th and Lombard streets at 2 a.m. March 31, 2013, encountered a group of people on the sidewalk who dealt with his verbal abuse from him after one member stated he had made an illegal turn. Allegedly exiting his vehicle, he reportedly slapped a cell phone from one of the people and barked “Don’t f##?!g touch me” as he continued to walk toward the owner.

Corcoran then supposedly pushed the male, grabbed his chest, threw him against the side of his police vehicle, handcuffed him and threw him into the back of the automobile, the report states. He then reportedly sped off with the victim in the back seat.

The complainant states Corcoran drove him to an unknown street off North Broad Street and learned the officer was arresting him for public intoxication, though he prepared no required paperwork for a public intoxication arrest, had no evidence the victim was inebriated and was in fact driving in the opposite direction of the 17th Police District where Corcoran was assigned. The detained figure told Corcoran he had never been arrested before and was an Operation Iraqi Freedom war veteran. After hearing this, Corcoran supposedly returned to the area of 13th and Rodman streets and released the man. Authorities charged him with false imprisonment, obstructing administration of law and official oppression. 

Contact Managing Editor Joseph Myers at or ext. 124.