No more roaming




For their supposed roles in a trio of thefts, including one that involved the reported shoving of a pregnant woman at T-Mobile, 2029 S. Broad St., Feb. 4, Isiah, right, and Zakee, left, Allen soon will stand before a judge.

On Jan. 10, the Central Detective Division began an investigation into a lucrative theft from a Center City-situated Verizon, with surveillance video showing three black males cutting cell phones and tablets from their displays before fleeing on foot, Officer Tanya Little of Police Public Affairs said. The Philadelphia Police Department released that footage soon after, with the Central Detective Division announcing on Feb. 6 that the alleged committers of the January heist matched the description of the masterminds behind the Feb. 4 incident in South Philly.

In the local matter, the purported figures used box cutters to take phones and iPads valued at $2,638 and supposedly shoved a pregnant worker during the theft. On Feb. 6, the Allens reportedly attempted another heist of a Center City T-Mobile store, with responding officers agreeing the description of the intruders matched that of earlier notices, Little said. The law enforcement figures observed the suspects entering a white Dodge sedan and trailed them, eventually stopping Isiah Allen and Zakee Allen within three blocks of each other after they allegedly resisted arrest by fleeing on foot. Authorities said the total value of the confiscated items to date stands at $21,227. The third suspect remains at large.

To report information, call South Detectives’ tip line at 215-685-1635 or visit

Contact Managing Editor Joseph Myers at or ext. 124.