New casino sites bill proposed

Sen. Vince Fumo and state Reps. Bill Keller and Mike O’Brien introduced a proposal April 30 to find new locations for the city’s slots parlors. Fumo did so in the senate, the latter two in the house.

A press release from Fumo’s office stated the legislation would allow casinos to be situated in the area around Philadelphia International Airport by removing a state provision on casinos being situated within a 10-mile radius of Chester’s Harness Racing Track.

"This is not meant to be punitive to the developers," Fumo said in the release. "It is an effort to resolve a stalemate."

Two years ago, the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board approved sites for Foxwoods at Columbus Boulevard and Reed Street and SugarHouse in Fishtown, but neither casino has broken ground.

"Much of the delay stems from the legitimate concerns and objections of neighbors and local community groups who oppose casinos being built so close to their neighborhoods, schools and churches," Keller said in the release.

By looking for alternate sites for both slots parlors, the lawmakers said opponents will be appeased while casino groups can still build and reap the rewards and the city and state can benefit from the revenue.

Public hearings in Harrisburg will begin in the coming weeks. Within 120 days of the start of the relocation proceedings, the Gaming Control Board will issue an alternative licensed facility report. Within 30 days of that, Foxwoods and SugarHouse can respond, addressing the feasibility of relocation. Thirty days from that, the board will issue a final order approving relocation, imposing additional conditions it sees fit for relocation or revoking the licenses of Foxwoods and SugarHouse and reopening the application process. No action is not an option for the casino groups.