New ad campaign highlights California Realtors’ role in state economy

The California Association of Realtors announced a new TV, Web, radio and print ad campaign today that highlights the positive impact its 155,000 members have on the state’s economy.

Two 30-second TV spots, featuring the "ripple" effect that the facilitation of home buying and selling has on the economy and families, will air on the ABC network in San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco from today through June 16. In addition, on April 17, a spot will air during the network’s hit show "Modern Family" in the three markets.

The campaign, dubbed "Ripple," continues the association’s "Champions of Home" campaign and includes ad time on the Clear Channel Radio station, display ads on, and mobile ads.

CAR says it expects the two TV spots to run 732 times on ABC during the 11-week period and to result in 55 million views.

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