Meeting the demand


A gunman held up a Point Breeze establishment Sunday.

At 6:33 p.m., authorities responded to Moe-Moe’s Grocery Store, 1939 S. 19th St., and met with the complainant, learning that as he tried to close the location minutes before, an unknown male entered wearing a purple ski mask and a gray hoodie, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. Producing a black gun, he received approximately $155 before fleeing in an unknown direction.

The victim described the aggressor as black, 5-foot-6 and 120 pounds; having a medium complexion; and wearing the aforementioned items plus blue jeans.

To report information, call South Detectives at 215-685-1635, text PPDTIP (773847) or visit

Contact Managing Editor Joseph Myers at [email protected] or ext. 124.