McNeil pleads guilty


A Dickinson Square West resident faces a prison term of 20 to 40 years after pleading guilty to murdering a man in 2013.

Tyreek McNeil, of the 600 block of Mifflin Street, will have a sentencing hearing Aug. 5 following his May 27 admission that he shot Jose Aparicio outside Las Rosas Bakery, 1712 S. Eighth St., Sept 26, ’13. The now-23-year-old had been attempting to make off with his 22-year-old victim’s backpack, but when the prey fought back, the bicycle-situated gunman shot him three times and rode off with the item and other valuables. Aparicio, of the 1800 block of South Rosewood Street, died at 4:26 a.m. Surveillance footage helped authorities to bust McNeil two days later.

McNeil also pleaded guilty to two counts of robbery and firearms charges.

Contact Managing Editor Joseph Myers at [email protected] or ext. 124.