Leftover thoughts


There was an American influence on the Boston Marathon terrorists. They didn’t blow themselves up. Americans gave up dreaming of virgins waiting for them in the afterlife a long time ago …

After all of that posturing about whether to treat the bomber as an enemy combatant or even to Mirandize him, he confessed before being advised of his rights and will be handled in the criminal justice system. Incidentally, I’m not sure why the fuss when the United States has a 100 percent conviction rate when such suspects are handled the same way …

Tell me again how you’re supporting Boston’s victims by wearing a Red Sox jersey?…

Italy has a lot of problems. For instance their Parliament is so polarized that they can’t settle on a prime minister. They’re on their fifth vote. Maybe they can’t find a leader who hasn’t pinched a meter maid (ah Silvio Berlusconi, how we miss you)…

There’s a report out of Beijing that pollution is so bad, the residents can’t breathe. Funny, when my wife and I were in Beijing 16 years ago we saw the residents wearing masks. I asked our Chinese tour guide why the masks, and she replied that it was to protect the population from getting colds. We tourists weren’t given masks to wear while we were in the city. Not that it’s ever affected us all these years later (cough…cough) …

Now that even a weak Pat Toomey-supported bill couldn’t get through the Senate, even though 54 senators voted for it and only 46 against, some liberals are clamoring to not only change the filibuster rule but get rid of the Second Amendment to the Constitution. Proceed with caution, I say. There’s going to come a day when the crazies gain control of the Senate and you may wish that they needed to get 60 votes to pass a bill. As far as changing the Constitution, talk about opening up the proverbial can of worms. States would not only get to vote on eliminating the Second Amendment, they would get to propose changes to the rest of the Constitution as well. Uh, do we really want that scenario to take place in today’s political climate? …

It’s that time of year when all of us get to feel good about recycling. While the City fines us if we fail to recycle properly, it apparently isn’t all that interested in its own recycling failure. I’m talking about the sanitation truck that was in my neighborhood recently that threw all of the recyclables in with the regular trash. From personal experience, multiple complaints to the City’s 311 line were greeted with rudeness and indifference. In one instance, after my wife was told to call the sanitation department directly, the guy answering the call chastised for calling his office directly and then abruptly hung up …

I agree with those who believe that the greatest threat posed to us today is from Islamic radicalism with the emphasis on radicalism. However, we shouldn’t tar every member of that religion with the same brush. Remember it was the local Muslim community that helped foil a plot to blow up the rail line between the U.S. and Canada …

The six most frightening words in the English language — “Anthony Weiner is back on Twitter.”…

The plump, self-important Dennis Rodman-loving dictator of North Korea has paused in his diatribe against the U.S. apparently to watch NBA games on the DISH. His missiles remained on the launching pad after all his bluster. It is likely if they had left the launching pad, they would have landed in the ocean like all the others he tested. Maybe he blinked because of Chinese persuasion. Maybe it’s just that it’s NBA playoff time. …

I was all in agreement with the politicians who complained that the Automated Value Initiative known as AVI needs some tweaking and then one of them went and claimed that the current system is better. …

It is being reported that the Dutch may be planning a reality show that would actually consist of the contestants having to live on Mars (not Bruno Mars, the planet Mars). Now if they could only get Ryan Seacrest to host it, I’d pay to send him there. …

Tom Corbett is the most anti-poor, anti-middle class governor that we’ve ever had in this state. His most notable failure has been in creating new jobs in Pennsylvania. Corbett claims too many of the state’s residents can’t pass a drug test. Funny, neighboring states don’t have the same problem. Corbett must go. …

After the Cleveland Indians defeated the Phillies last week, the Daily News used the word “Injuns” in its back page headline. And I thought “Redskins” was politically incorrect. Incidentally, there is a move afoot in Washington to change the racist nickname to “Redtails” to honor the Tuskegee Airmen, a much celebrated group of African-Americans who flew in World War II. I appreciate the sentiment, but not many folks would associate the name “Redtails” with the Tuskegee Airmen.

It is easy to imagine the slew of bad taste jokes that would circulate. How about simply getting rid of the Indians symbols on the helmets? Call the team “the Skins,” which is what most of us call them anyway.

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