Keystone commendations


The 2015 Professional Keystone Press Awards honored the South Philly Review with five awards March 19. Staff Writer Bill Chenevert received a second-place nod in the News Beat Reporting category for “Schools for sale,” “Pushing broken doors open,” “New year, new look,” “Bok to life” and “Palumbo lives matter” and an honorable mention accolade for Business or Consumer Story for “Making the market last.” Managing Editor Joseph Myers picked up first place Sports Event Coverage for “Gender equality” and “Sixth sense” and Sports Beat Reporting for “Crossover appeal,” “Owen’s omens,” “Hallowed be thy game,” “Dragons’ breadth,” “To Meech his own” and “The State of their union” and an Honorable Mention commendation for Sports/Outdoor Column for “Broad and Morris,” “In his pocket” and “ODD man in.”

The Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association will honor the two at a May 30 Gettysburg-situated banquet.

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