In his zone


Gaetano Piccirilli is a man with many titles. By day, he is a partner at the Center City-based law firm Dilworth Paxson LLP., where he is “a problem-solving litigator who represents businesses, small and large, in commercial disputes.”

The 34-year-old puts forth that same passion when dealing with the Girard Estate Neighbors Association where he assists with zoning issues, as well as his volunteer work with Philadelphia’s Homeless Advocacy Project.

“I like to take on leadership roles,” the resident on the 1900 block of Ritner Street, said. “I want to be out in front. I don’t need to come up with the ideas, but I want to help execute them.”

It includes keeping a close eye on Stephen Girard Park, 2101 Shunk St., which, in the eyes of the South Philly lifer, could use a little sprucing up.

“The park is in disrepair, so we are trying to attract attention for the purpose of updating the park because we believe it’s vital to our community,” he said.

The “quiet bedroom community” is something Piccirilli knows a little something about, as he spent his childhood years there, and has since set up residence with wife, Hadassah, and their 2-year-old son, Nathaniel.

“… The neighbors are very friendly, and I really do believe it’s a quiet pocket of South Philadelphia,” the Girard Academic Music Program, 2136 W. Ritner St., grad said. “It’s a good place with good people, and I am trying to make it better.”

He also hasn’t forgotten about his alma mater, as he represented the GAMP Parent and Alumni Corp. when it needed to form a not-for-profit to help raise funds for the school.

When a pawn shop/check cashing business attempted to set up shop in his neighborhood, he helped to collect 100 signatures for the opposition.

The Temple University School of Law product also is committed to helping improve life for mentally challenged homeless folks. He performs pro-bono work for the city’s Homeless Advocacy Project, and takes on cases to help individuals gain Social Security disability benefits.

“I like to provide a service because I think they are truly at a disadvantage,” Piccirilli, who also serves as chairman of the Pennsylvania State Real Estate Commission, said. “They have no income, can’t work and can’t function.”

With this difference maker in the driver’s seat, the cause, along with every other that Piccirilli sets his mind to, will have a fighting chance.

Contact Editor Bill Gelman at or ext. 121.

2013 Difference Makers

/ Bruce Baldwin / Anthony Benedetto Sr. / Lou Berman / Beth Coleman /

/ Diane DellaVella / Phyllis DiLemmo /

/ Roe and Jim Gallo / Tyrique Glasgow / Ali Hackett / Deborah Holmes /

/ Kat Kendon / Harry McKay / Jaime Pannone / Juanita Perkins-Qui /

/ Gaetano Piccirilli / Megan Rosenbach / Ted Scairato Sr /

/ Rich Sisman / Dan Stevenson / Paula Terreri / Lynn Oakes West / Lawrence Whitaker / Robert Wilbowe / Ilene Wilder /