Imperative sentence


Thirty-nine months after helping Dawud Abdul-Hakim and an unidentified figure to escape the 200 block of Jackson Street following the latter’s shooting of 20-year-old Anthony DeMarco Jr., Kevin Williams received a 35- to 70-year state prison term akin to Assistant District Attorney Jacqueline Juliano Coelho’s request Jan. 16. His sentence stems from his November conviction for conspiracy, robbery and third-degree murder,

The 23-year-old, in custody since Nov. 12, ’10, operated a getaway ride for Abdul-Hakim and the at-large gun wielder on the Whitman block Oct. 20, ’10. They had encountered DeMarco Jr., of the 300 block of Ritner Street, at 11:29 p.m., with the unknown man firing his weapon into the young Whitman resident’s stomach and back. The victim, who had received his driver’s license earlier that day, died early the next morning at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital.

Abdul-Hakim, 22, grappled with DeMarco and lobbed the fatality-inducing firearm to the mystery shooter. In custody since May 8, ’11, he is serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole on a second-degree murder charge and related offenses.

“It’s been rough without him,” Anthony DeMarco Sr., who has another son, Domenic, with wife Maryann said of coping with his loss and deriving strength from the verdict. “We’ve had to be patient, which is the best we can do. We miss him so much.”

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