How ‘Billionaire’s Row’ will transform Manhattan skyline

CityRealty is amping up its role as an online property listing and agent referral resource in New York City with new aerial renderings depicting what the city’s skyline will look like in years to come.

The new images offer a 3-D glimpse from a perspective 2,500 feet above the sidewalk, and feature skyscrapers-to-be including One Vanderbilt, 53 West 53rd, 432 Park Ave., 225 West 57th, and 111 West 57th St.

“The skyline is projected to change so much over the next few years,” said CityRealty Content Director Ondel Hylton. “This is a very useful tool for them to see what it will look like.”

Hylton said the main goal was to create a feature showing users what their views will be. One thing prospective buyers are keen to see when they peer out their brand-new sky-high windows is Manhattan’s Central Park , he said. Users can search particular listings to determine whether the coveted park view is obstructed by another building.

CityRealty used Google Earth and 3-D mockups of the future skyscrapers submitted by architects to New York City’s Department of Buildings. They want the images to look as realistic as possible, Hylton said.

The Manhattan area featured in the website’s renderings of the future has been dubbed “Billionaire’s Row.” At least seven skyscrapers offering apartments that will list for millions of dollars are slated to go up in the not-so-distant future.

Hylton said CityRealty users are amazed by the new feature, and he’s excited to see how it will affect potential buyers’ decisions.

“It’s a little look into the future, and there will be more to come,” Hylton said.