Hot steal


A Newbold pretzel bakery was robbed overnight Thursday.

An unknown man entered Philly Soft Pretzel Factory, 1410-12 McKean St., through an unsecured rear trash door at midnight Friday, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. The perpetrator attempted to open the safe, but after his failed attempt took an unknown amount of money from both front registers and a laptop from the office.

Police recovered fingerprints and surveillance video at the scene, Tolliver said.

The offender was described as white, 5-foot-5 to 5-foot-8, thin and wearing a dark-colored hoody and a dark-colored baseball cap.

To report information, call South Detectives’ tip line at 215-685-1635 or visit

Contact Managing Editor Amanda L. Snyder at or ext. 117.

Also in this week’s Police Report:
Heroic and brave honorees
Entrance-way holdup
Funding cuts
Walk-by mugging
Illegal toll collection
Chatterbox thief
Police meetings 12-15-11