Horoscopes 4-23-2015


TAURUS (April 21 to May 20): Family commitments interfere with personal life. Upsetting news will provoke rather wild conclusions. Domestic issues or a legal matter will be at the root of some conflict. Make time for individual needs. Lucky number: 963.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20): If words seem to be hurtful, ponder whether you are being overly sensitive. You might find it hard to speak freely with someone who is quick to be offended. An argument over a partnership matter could lead to a parting of the ways. Lucky number: 851.

CANCER (June 21 to July 22): Joint money interests dominate thoughts. Financial limitations may not allow for travel or will curb other activities. Do not let your heart rule your head regarding a loved one’s spending on luxuries. If their extravagance is getting you down, address the issue. Lucky number: 245.

LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22): Long conversations within the family leave you mentally exhausted. Someone is getting all worked up over problems that are not as big as they are making out. Take some matters into your own hands and resolve them yourself just to prove it can be done quite easily. Lucky number: 682.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22): You are tired of being stuck in a rut. You will decide to take the initiative and act on new ideas. Move forward with new plans no matter what other people might say. Lucky number: 134.

LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22): Your timing may be off, and you could miss out on an interesting opportunity. You will not be pleased that you allowed yourself to be distracted at a crucial moment. Someone has been using your friendship for their own advantage, so put a stop to the manipulations. Lucky number: 910.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21): Spread the word among friends if you are looking for work. If you have had a hard time finding employment, think about launching your own business. Think outside the box when trying to earn a buck. Lucky number: 785.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21): Co-workers are awkward and uncooperative. Family members are moody. If you are building up to something or planning on making a few changes, take time to test the lay of the land. Do not rush into making important decisions. Lucky number: 835.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19): Enforcing boundaries may make you unpopular but this is the only way to create order out of chaos. People need to see you mean business. It is not necessary to let everyone know what you are planning. Lucky number: 572.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18): Comments made about you could bring feelings of resentment concerning a past event. Someone has been keeping secrets from you. Some people have good intentions but their words will cause more harm than good. Lucky number: 396.

PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20): Jobs you took on without giving it a lot of thought are more difficult than expected. Arguments are happening, and you might feel like running for cover when this occurs.Think about reducing commitments. Lucky number: 529.

ARIES (March 21 to April 20): Everyday expenses are rising. You can not help but feel bitter about not being able to see much for your hard earned money. Stop making credit card purchases on unless you know you can pay for it at the end of the month. Lucky number: 468. 

To inquire about a personal reading, call Mystic Terry at 215-467-5162.

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