Horoscopes 3-26-2015


ARIES (March 21 to April 20): Anticipate benefiting from a loved one’s good fortune. Splash out on a few luxuries. Treat yourself to a shopping spree, and you will have lots of fun. New clothes will give your spirits a lift. Lucky number: 513.

TAURUS (April 21 to May 20): A short trip out of town will provide a welcome change of scenery. If you have been trying to get someone special to say yes to something, this is a good time to ask the question. Getting the desired answer will make your day. Lucky number: 390.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20): The temptation to cut corners will always be present for some people. If you see this being a problem, deal with it discreetly. This is not a time to stick your neck out if you disagree with the way things are being done concerning job or health matters. Lucky number: 013.

CANCER (June 21 to July 22): A joint effort reaches a successful conclusion. An exciting opportunity to showcase achievements and past experience will arrive. The spotlight is trained firmly on you, and rivals will be impressed. Lucky number: 916.

LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22): You have a chance to travel, write an article or study with like-minded people who have high ambitions. Things should be going your way around the homefront, particularly if you are depending on some teamwork concerning a domestic project. Lucky number: 739.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22): Persevere for a short while longer, and you will fulfil a long-term ambition. A delightful financial surprise will give you a shot in the arm. Your happiness with current events becomes marred by an envious friend’s spiteful remarks. Lucky number: 382.

LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22): You have plenty of get up and go, so capitalize on this to make headway in an important project. Working with a partner becomes stimulating, and there may be unexpected financial advantages. Be ready to showcase talent to an important executive. Lucky number: 065.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21): A dynamic twist could bring fresh gains on the heels of a recent surprise. Turning on the charm could boost earnings, as well as spark romance if you are single. A sixth sense will inform you to shop online for an unusual item. Lucky number: 835.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21): The power of suggestion may work wonders where long-term aspirations are concerned. Take any opportunity to network with powerful individuals who could help to advance your career. Lucky number: 976.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19): Tie up loose ends from recent discussions in a clever way. Your focus shifts delightfully to social affairs and group efforts. This is a great time to acquire a skill or study with a respected teacher. Lucky number: 621.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18): Someone you work with will make it obvious he or she is attracted to you even if the feeling is not mutual. It is essential to keep your wits about you and do not make promises if you have no intention of sticking to them. Lucky number: 421.

PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20): Be careful of exaggeration and foolish claims concerning neighborhood interests. Avoid job or health-related carelessness. Spending time with family will become very rewarding. Lucky number: 675. 

To inquire about a personal reading, call Mystic Terry at 215-467-5162.

Contact the South Philly Review at editor@southphillyreview.com.