Hopping mad


An at-large man assaulted another male in Dickinson Square West after requesting a beer from him.

At 3:12 a.m. Aug. 11, police headed to the 600 block of Washington Avenue for a robbery-in-progress report. The complainant notified them an unknown figure sat down next to him and asked for a beer, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. The two conversed, with the offender removing a cell phone from a step and attempting to leave.

Their struggle led the aggressor to bite the complainant’s right leg, and he hurled the lifted device, causing the screen to crack, before fleeing in an unknown direction. The complainant described him as black, in his mid 30s, and 5-foot-4; having a thin build; and wearing a dark shirt and blue jeans.

Call South Detectives at 215–686–3013, text PPDTIP (773847) or visit phillypolice.com/forms.