Going Global


There is Philadelphia and then there is South Philadelphia. We are a distinctive entity all our own and it’s not just those in the city that have realized it.

Behind cozy rowhome doors, people and ideas have emerged that eventually outgrew the confines of this 10-square-mile area, making an impact on every corner of the globe, stepping onto world stages and filling the spotlight with their presence.

In the following pages are the people, places and things nurtured on our streets and at our dinner tables, those who have catapulted themselves into a larger arena by sheer force of being singularly unique — but at the end of the day still call South Philly home. Some have gotten international acclaim by venturing outside our geographic bounds, while others’ reputations — good and bad — have done the work for them, turning eyes toward our hometown. Some treasured creations stay rooted, others have moved into the vast unknown only to emerge triumphant.

Yet no matter how far or wide they travel, every one of these achieve-ments is branded with South Philly for all the world to see.

Feature Articles:

Word on the Street
What do you think South Philly is most famous for?

How sweet it is

The area is blessed with plenty of bakeries to choose from, with a few branching out beyond local taste buds.

Flashbulb mob

South Philly has produced some of the most powerful mobsters in the country, with many capturing headlines along the way, but some cannot tell their own tale.

Setting the stage
Whether home to baseball’s National League Division Series or the U.S. Olympic Team Trials, the sports complex continues to make its presence known as a world-class venue.

Take a bite

It may just be meat on a roll to some, but sandwiches here have prompted passion and pilgrimages.

Hit men
Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff created songs for numerous bands that became the Sound of Philadelphia.

The greatest

South Philadelphia is home to many legendary sports figures who excelled on both the national and international levels.

Class act
South Philadelphia High educated many who moved into the national spotlight, from Hollywood directors to the designer of the Susan B. Anthony dollar.

It’s a Mummer-ful world
A long-standing tradition in South Philly, the famous strut has been enjoyed by millions across the globe.