Going Dutch


Some high school students spend summer vacation at the Jersey Shore, while others are busy working. Then there are those, like Megan Rose, who take once-in-a lifetime trips.

The Central High School freshman, who celebrated her 15th birthday last week, will spend 10 days in Holland representing the United States in the People to People Sports Ambassador Program.

The athlete from the 2200 block of South Front Street will be overseas July 19 to 29, spending a good portion playing soccer with kids from around the globe.

"I liked [the program] because it was sports and in another country and I can go overseas to interact with kids all over the world," Rose, who was a member of Central’s 2007 Public League girls’ soccer championship squad, said.

The People to People Sports Ambassador Program is an athletic, educational travel experience that cultivates personal growth and development, providing leadership lessons through sports. Part of Rose’s time will be spent sightseeing in Holland, including taking a bike ride along the canals and visiting the Anne Frank House. Soccer — known as football in Europe — will be another highlight.

Rose went through a long process to make this summer excursion a reality. Each participant attended an informational meeting to learn about the program and obtain application materials. All athletes needed to provide letters of recommendation. Rose was interviewed and found out she was accepted into the program via mail in February.

In order to make the journey happen, Rose raised funds to cover expenses. Family and friends stepped up with donations and she put together a cookbook of relatives’ recipes, which she sold to pay for meals, phone calls home and other costs.

"I am kind of in shock that I was able to do it in so little time," Rose said.

Traveling outside the United States will be new for the student, who previously attended Christopher Columbus Charter School, Ninth and Christian streets. Besides being without loved ones, she doesn’t know any fellow Americans participating, so the beginning of the trip might involve some culture shock.

"I am a little nervous because I am not very outgoing," she said. "There is nobody I actually know, so it’s a little scary."

Still, the passionate year-round athlete with a Bridesburg-based league, who contributed three goals to the Central High championship run, said she knows she’ll "make a whole bunch of new friends" on her adventure.

Rose is getting a crash course in Dutch from older sister Corrine Homer, who has been researching important words and phrases.

With the departure date fast approaching, Rose said if somebody told her this would happen a couple years ago, "I definitely wouldn’t have believed them. It just seems so unrealistic."

Whether or not Rose comes home with a medal hanging from her neck doesn’t matter; she just wants to enjoy some fun times and expand her soccer education.

"I think it will be [helpful] because I am seeing all the different styles of play there, and will have to react to them," she said of the overseas jaunt.